If D is the midpoint of BC in △ABC and ∠A = 90⁰, then AD = _______.

in triangle abc d e and f are respectively the midpoints of BC,CA and AB prove ∆FBD~∆DEF & ∆DEF~∆ABC

In figure, if Δ ABE ≅ Δ ACD, show that Δ ADE ~ Δ ABC Q6 exercise 6 3 class 10

It is given that triangle ABC is similar to triangle PQR with BC/QR =1/4. Then area (PQR)/area (ABC)

In a triangle ABC if 3 angle A = 4 angle B = 6 angle C, Calculate the angles

if ∆ABC~∆QRP, (ar(∆ABC))/(ar(∆PQR))=9/4, AB=18 cm and BC=15 cm, then PR #HOT37

Class 10 Maths Ex 3.7 Q5 | In a Δ ABC, ∠ C = 3 ∠ B = 2 (∠ A + ∠ B). Find the three angles.

in triangle ABC, D, E and F are midpoints of BC, CA and AB respectively prove that triangle FBD sim

Q26(A) In 𝛥ABC, D, E and F are midpoints of BC,CA and AB respectively. Prove that △ 𝐹𝐵𝐷 ∼ △ DEF

in triangle ABC angle c is equal to 3 angle b is equal to 2 angle a + angle b find the three angles

Sides AB and AC and median AD of a triangle ABC | Exercise 6.3 Q14 (Important)

In ∆ABC, right angled at B, AB=7cm and (AC−BC)=1cm. find the values of sinC and cosC. CLASS-10

Sides AB and BC and median AD of a triangle ABC are respectively | Q12 Exercise 6.3 class 10

In a ∆ABC, ∠C = 3∠B = 2 (∠A +∠B). Find the three angles. || Linear equation in two variables.

In a triangle ABC, A - B = 42 and B - C = 21, then find the value of B | Lines and Angles Class 9

If ∆ABC ~ ∆EDF and ∆ABC is not similar to ∆DEF, then which of the following is not true? a.

26. (A) In 𝛥ABC, D, E and F are midpoints of BC,CA and AB respectively. Prove that △𝐹𝐵𝐷 ∼ △ DEF

If in DeltaABC and DeltaDEF , (AB)/(DE)=(BC)/(FD), then they will be similar, when | 10 | TRIANG...

In the given figure, CM and RN are respectively the medians of △ABC and △PQR. If △ABC∼△PQR

If ABC sim. QRP, ratio of ABC and PQR =9/4. AB= 18cm, BC=15cm, then find the length of PR

(A) In 𝛥ABC, D, E and F are midpoints of BC, CA and AB respectively. Prove that △ 𝐹𝐵𝐷 ∼ △ DEF and

In a \( \triangle A B C, \angle C=3 \angle B=2(\angle A+\angle B) \...

In the given figure-, ∆ABC has points D and Fin AC and point E in BC such that DE | AB and EF || BD